Wear your hosiery well, so they always have a good run!

04 April, 2011

Hunting the Missing Cobra of the Bronx Zoo

We went to the Bronx Zoo this weekend in search of the missing snake. When we arrived we found out that she was found! THANK GOD, because I was very wary of visiting a zoo that had a cobra hiding in some place other than in a contained environment.
I never really liked snakes, but I wouldn't say that I am scared of them. I find them creepy and sneaky...
The Bronx zoo is hosting a competition to name that sly snake that escaped!  Max thinks she should called Slippy

Max and I posing at the Bronz Zoo

I am also using my Thursday Friday Together Bag whenever I can! Its not only stylish and interesting to look at it holds everything! Great for a MOM with style- and a suspicion of snakes!

These are another pair from Nordstroms! I felt these tights were appropriate for the snake hunt! They are a grey slate color with spirals that look like snakes climbing up my legs......


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